12.3.5. Arrow

The arrow object is used to create arrows.

Related shapes: label, zoomview Attributes

  • startdir: direction for starting. Expects a direction
  • enddir: direction for the end.
  • Chomp: kjkj

figure with different chomps

  • bends: one of round sharp , no, or a number telling the radius. If a tuple is given, each bend will get a radius

figure with different bends

  • head: attributes for the head of the arrow

    • shape: one of the predefined head shapes, or custom <reference> where <reference> is an object with a handle named head_base.
    • size: the size of the tail. Can be given as an absolute measure, or percentage of some object (by default, the arrow itself)
    • angle: for some kinds of heads, the angle of the head

figure with different heads

  • tail: A complex attribute with the following fields

    • shape: one of the predefined shapes
      • Accepted shapes are triangle, circle, or custom:<reference> where reference points to a shape
    • size: the size of the tail. Can be given as an absolute measure, or percentage of some object (by default, the arrow itself)
    • angle: the angle for some shapes
  • tags: things to put in the middle

  • labels: labels in the arrow?

  • path: if given, specifies the path of the arrow, spanning between the start and end points. If both points are given, the path will be stretched and rotated so to start and end in the given points. Otherwise, the path defines the stretch and shape of the arrow. For constructing paths see path reference

  • line: attributes for the line, its a line attribute Methods
