12.4.2. Body Attributes:

General attributes for all the bodies:

  • .material: a material, with density, etc

  • .color: a default color. This can be overriden, as there are bodies with more than one color

  • .tags: an array of tags that can be used later to group or select

  • .volume [RW]: returns the volume of this. Setting the volume scales the body

  • .mass [RW]: returns the mass of the body

  • .weight [R]: returns the weight of the body. If a name is given, it will be takes as a place where to return the weight:

    >> c = Sphere: .radius 40km .material titanium
    >> c.weight .at saturn?
    >> 45kgs
  • .print Saves this object to a graphical file. Directly saving a 3d object is a shortcut to putting it in the scene, selecting and placing a camera and choosing a renderer to the filename.

    This method is used to easily get images of an object: it allows some tuning as the parameters below shoe, but for the full control you probably want to place the object in a scene, define a camera and render it.

    • Parameters:
      • .filename: name of the file. Format will be inferred from the extension, if given
      • .format allows specifying the format. Overrides any extension
      • .size: size for the image, in pixels.
      • .outlook: a vector with the direction for the camera. Camera will be placed in a ray starting at the center at tha object and parallel to the vector given. Distance is regulated by the autoframe routine
      • .camera: allows setting the camera (with all parameters, position, aperture, etc)
      • .render: sets the rendering style. One of pov, phong.
    • See also: scene has, too, a quick-and-dirty print method that sets a camera and places it so it frames all the objects.
    • print is a function that focus the given object and prints it to a file. If the scene is more complex, all the objects in the focus will be included, unless the flag ..isolate is given.


    print could be a global function, that can be applied to any object Methods:
