13.1. Oneliners

Below, a selection of almost-oneliners, useful and fancy:

note:wherever you see bash> in one example, it refers to your bash prompt, meaning that those examples can be directly typed in the shell

13.1.1. Measures, magnitudes

Getting properties of objects:

bash> blepx c = Sphere: .radius 40km .material titanium; c.weight .at saturn?
bash> 45kgs

putting magnitudes into context:

bash> blepx sphere c: .radius 100km ; appraise
A sphere of 100km radius weights 1E23Tm if made of water, 10E23Tm if made of iron
Similar objects:
    [1] Ceres: a body in the solar system
bash> follow 1   (opens wikipedia)

Understanding weigths, lengths, etc:

bash> blex appraise 100Tm

100Tm is the weight of:
   * a spherical rock with a diameter of 40cm
   * a small pool (10x10x20)
   * a meteorite capable of xxxx

Or even getting them graphically displayed:

bash> blepx sphere c: .radius 100km .fillwith carrots; appraise .g

will open a browser in which a graphic page is displayed


image with the result

13.1.2. Drawing aids Getting grid paper

> page p: .size A
> grid.square q: .pitch 1cm .at page
> print p

Even as oneliner:

bash>blx page p:.size A4 ; grid.square q: .at page : print p

You can test other grids, like triangles, hexagons, octo4, penrose, etc. Comic layouts


13.1.3. Image